Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Friday, December 13, 2013

Week 13 : Website Publishing

Free Web Host :
Basics :
- www.tripod.com
- www.geocities.com
- www.freeservers.com
- members.freewebs.com

Advance :
- www.domainlx.com
- www.brikster.com

however, there a few limitations on the free web host.
- We get a free site, but the web host get free advertise on the website
- File transfer : file manger instead of ftp

A few criteria in choosing a commercial web host are :
- Reliability
- Data transfer (bandwith / traffic)
- Disk space allocated
- Technical support
- OS /platform
- php, asp, cgi, mysql
- control panel
- domain name
- server
- price

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